Regular Meeting –March 8, 2010


           I.     CALL TO ORDER: The regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours.  Members Present: Mike Williams, Steve Howard, Larry Helsley, Bill Britton and George Owen.  Members Absent: None.  Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Fire Safe Counsel Member Pat Frost, Captain Todd Corbett, Firefighter Kane Edwards, Sleepers Mike McMillan and Keith Heryford and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.     CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 2, 2010 –

B.    Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries – MSC: Helsley/Britton to approve the consent agenda as presented.


Special Presentation from Pat Frost of the Fire Safe Counsel to Weaverville Fire Protection District – Pat Frost gave a presentation on the Fire Wise Community Program, 2 fire wise signs, a plaque, a fire wise book and pins were presented to the Weaverville Fire Protection District.


       III.     ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve Revised Equipment List for New Rescue 2151 – Chief Alvord invited the board out into the engine bay to view the progress on the rescue.  Board viewing the new rescue from 1713 to 1725 hours.  Chief Alvord explained the set back he had with ordering the light bar and went over his hand out of revised equipment list needed to finish the rescue.  At this point not including the light bar issue we are currently $136.21 over budget, we will need an additional $916.21 to finish the rescue.  MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the $916.21 needed to finish the rescue.  MSC: Britton/Williams to advise the original motion and approve $1000.00 to finish the rescue.

B.    Discuss/Approve Sealed Bid, 1992 Ford Rescue Chassis – One sealed bid was received from Mr. Wills out of Hyampom.  The bid was under the $3,000 minimum bid and was not accepted by the Board.  There was discussion that the advertisement in the Journal was not correct in including the minimum bid price.  MSC: Britton/Howard to re-appraise the old rescue chassis and give Chairman Howard and Chief Alvord the authority to re-list the vehicle through the Trinity Journal and through Craig’s List. 

C.    Discuss/Amend Disciplinary Policy # 1-03 – Table for the next Regular Scheduled Meeting.

D.    Discuss/Approve Financial and Banking Alternatives – There was discussion regarding our billing being sent out late, if we change our monthly meetings to the first week of the month then we should be able to getting the billing out in time.  MSC: Helsley/Britton to move the Regular Meeting to the 1st Thursday of the month to start at 5:00 p.m.

E.    Discuss/Approve Change in Annual Audit Company – Table for the next Regular Scheduled Meeting.

F.     Discuss/Approve New Hurst Tool, Fiscal Impact of $20,000 – Chief Alvord showed a power point presentation and discussed the difference between the old rescue tool and the new rescue tool.  There was discussion regarding the cost of the new rescue tool, power house $7,000, Cutters $5,000 and Spreaders $7,100 plus tax.  MSC: Britton/Owen to purchase Cutter and Spreaders from fund 8226, Apparatus Fund. 



A.    Hazard Reduction Progress Report – Mr. McMillan reported that the program has been going for a few weeks.  This year they are going out 100 feet from the house apposed to only 30 feet out last year.  The home owners are getting burn permits to have the crew burn their slash; the crew is doing an excellent job.

B.    Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report/Fire Department Report – Chief Alvord reported that there were no plan checks this month, just some revisits of previous plan checks.  Chief Alvord has met with the Mill regarding future fire protection in the new building, and upgrading existing buildings.  Chief Alvord along with some Volunteers has been doing inspection in town on sprinkler buildings, 9 have been completed, and there are 10 to go.  Chief Alvord and Mr. McMillan have been working on pre-plans that they hope to have completed by the end of next month.  We have been awarded the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant for training and new generation wildland shelters.  We have also applied for the VFA 50/50 grant for 9 sets of wildland gear.  The defibrillators are here one is on the Rescue, one is on 2103, the old one off of the Rescue was put on 2111.  The signs have been completed and placed out in front of the station.  The Volunteers are thinking of donating a child’s birthday party at the station, during the luau.  We have 3 new Volunteer applicants, and one Junior has turned 18.  The air trailer exhaust system has been fixed under warranty and is back in service.  2111 is leaning to the side because of the way it is loaded.  Next meeting will be on April 6th due to Chief Alvord being out of town.  The Valentines fundraiser raiser rose over $1200 this year, and the Volunteers will be sending out donation letters soon. 

C.    Sleeper Program Report – Chief Alvord reported that Mr. McMillan is working out well and doing a good job as sleeper.  Mr. Heryford has salvaged some fence to screen a portion of station 2.

D.    Committee Reports –

Background Check Committee – None

Recruitment Committee – None

Collections Committee – None

Contract Committee – None

Budget Committee – None

E.    Director Reports – Mr. Helsley asked about the status of the caution lights, Chief Alvord reported that the poles should be in next week.


         V.     CLOSED SESSION: A. (Government code section 94957:Public Employment)

Title: Fire Marshal – No public comments, entered into closed session at 1900 hours.


       VI.     REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: A. (Government code section 54957.1 (b)) – Returned from closes session at 1924 hours.  Chairman Howard reported that he will draft a letter concerning a personnel issue.




  VIII.     CORRESPONDENCE: Chief Alvord read a letter submitted by Trinity County LAFCO, they will be meeting on April 19, 2010 at 1900 hours and are requesting all Special District Chairpersons to attend and vote on who should be allowed to represent Special Districts.  Chairman Howard volunteered to attend.

       IX.     ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1929 hours


 Approved:  April 6, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

      Bill Britton, Vice Chairman                                       Marjie Maddox, Clerk